We're excited to announce a significant update to our platform - a new sidebar on mentor profile pages, providing valuable insights through key statistics. This addition aims to enhance the mentoring experience and facilitate better pairing of mentors and mentees. Here's what's new:
Completed Sessions
: A comprehensive count of all sessions conducted by the mentor through The Mentoring Club.
Attendance Rate:
A crucial metric showing the ratio of completed sessions to no-shows, highlighting the mentor's reliability and commitment.
Average Feedback:
Mentors receive feedback from mentees after each session. This feature displays the average rating, reflecting the mentor's overall impact and effectiveness.
Mentor Since:
A date stamp marking the mentor's joining date on our platform, showcasing their experience and journey with us.
Last Session: I
ndicates the date of the mentor's most recent session, keeping their profile up-to-date and informative.
Looking Ahead: We're not stopping here! We'll introduce similar metrics on mentee pages. Our goal is to continuously improve the quality of our service and make it easier for mentees and mentors to find their ideal matches.
Stay tuned for more updates as we strive to enhance your experience on our platform!
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