Not getting bookings
Aleksandra Bolewska
When I first joined, I was showing on the 1st page of the results i.e. I was getting noticed and receiving more bookings. Atm, even though I opened my cal more and have more categories, I am not getting any interest. Would love to know why. Introduce tiles with mentors on specific topic and then create a mechanism that would show different tiles in sequence?
Ido Schacham
Hey, I have the same situation. Today I was curious and checked whether I appear in the mentor search results. To my surprise, I didn't show up at all.
I checked my settings, and saw a red error icon next to my availability. Turns out, that because I was using Calendly, somehow the Calendly link was removed from there, thus it appeared as though I had no availability. I re-pasted it and saved the settings. Then I started to appear in the search results again.
I think there is some kind of bug, where if I update the settings in some other tab, then the Calendly link gets erased, and then the mentor will not appear in the search results anymore.
I don't know if this is also what you are experiencing, but I decided to share this in case it helps you or anyone else. Best of luck!